Chaos theory states that from the apparent randomness of complex systems, underlying patterns emerge: feedback loops, sub-systems, and self-organization. True nature is chaos, but if you look closely enough you will find order. Within human society and our ever growing social webs, structure and intent are not always clear. Symbols help us make sense of the world. They provide clues to understanding experiences and convey recognizable, shared meanings. In times of chaos, nature’s purity of intention provides symbolic meaning we can reach to, for structure and purpose. I look below the surface of the chaos and create narrative vessels that not only convey my instinctual and awe-filled attachment to the aesthetics of creatures that fascinate me, but also initiate a conversation with the world and your role in it. Using materials as a color palette, these sculptural illustrations are rooted in the anatomy and ethology of the animals. During the design process I refine pieces to their core features before building back body language to have them tell their story.