The daring spirit and ambitious dreams of Northeast Alabama Community College (NACC) could never be represented by a single mascot, and that is why we have two. Roscoe, the wandering Labrador; and Trouper, the wild yet gentle Mustang; friends to this campus for years, embody the ideals of friendship, family, and community NACC hopes to share with all who come to this campus. We are tasked to be educators, and so Roscoe and Trouper have been educated, too, in their way, learning how to be the best versions of themselves – what all of us want for each other, and what NACC seeks to achieve with ever student who attends. It is this desire for personal and educational excellence that has made NACC one of the best community colleges in the South. Roscoe, a stray who wandered onto our campus, into our classrooms, and them yes, into our hearts, belongs to everyone here now. He has brought us together and allowed us an unexpected and surprising friendship we value beyond words. Trouper, an authentic Western Mustang who was once too wild to ride, is still proud and strong but now also a living symbol of the worlds that can open up to us when we allow ourselves the virtue of companionship with others who may be different from us. They have both brought such joy to this campus and have brought us closer to the communities we serve. To even call them mascots seems a disservice because they represent who are – a home for those who are looking for one. Like Roscoe and Trouper, comet NACC on as many legs as you have. You are welcome here. We did not find them, after all: they found us
Trouper and Roscoe: Hearts of the Campus
Barbara A. Kilgore, Artist and Designer
Katie Mae Adams, Sculptor
Daniel Wallace, Author, (Big Fish) Plaque Narrator
Amber Rain Mathewson, Owner and Trainer of Trouper
Owners and Trainers of Roscoe
Dr. David Campbell, NACC President
NACC Students and Staff
NACC Foundation